Google Penguin Recovery Tips


Google Penguin Update is a web spam algorithm update to penalized spam sites on the search results. As Google prefers on organic results, thus they always making updates to remove spam sites such as over-optimized, low quality or bad sites etc.

Why my site is hit by Google Penguin Update

If your site is hit by Google Penguin Update, then there must be a valid reason.

Your site may violating its quality guidelines.

Your site may showing Google different then your users which is called 'Cloaking' . Cloaking will definitely decrease your ranking on the search engines.

Your site may contain harmful elements such as Java Scripts, flash etc. that aren't crawlable by the boots.

Your site may involving in link exchange or receiving inbound links from bad sites.


Your site shouldn't have hidden text or hidden links.

You shouldn't use cloaking or sneaky redirects.

Your site shouldn't send automated queries to Google.

Your site should contain irrelevant keywords.

You shouldn't create multiple pages, subdomains, or domains with substantially duplicate content.

Your site shouldn't contain malicious behavior, such as installing viruses, trojans or other badware.

You should avoid "doorway" pages and should have original content
