How can I decrease bounce Rate of my website?

What is Bounce rate

Bounce rate is the percantage of single page session i.e session( in which the person left your site from the entrace page without interacting with page.)

There are a number of factor that contribute to high bounce rate:-

  1. design issue
  2. usability issue
  3. single page site
  4. content issue
  5. user friendly ?
  6. site structure

How can I decrease bounce Rate of my website?

    Quality Content

Visitors  come to your site to look for vital content. Your content should be up  to the mark as per the Post Titles and keywords. Visitors are likely to  leave the blog page if they do not find the information they are looking for as per to the keywords entered by them in the search engine.

    Good Blog Design
Your  blog should be designed in decent way. Some professional sites use lots  of animation, graphics that looks bad. Design of your site should be  according to your niche. Bad design is often a common reason for  visitors losing interest in the blog and thus leaving the site.

    Ease of Use & Navigation:

Your blog should provide easy navigation to the users. Make use of bulleted lists, white space,  good color contrast, and large headlines. Use well-organized,  responsive layouts that allow for quick and easy navigation on all  platforms and browsers. Also provide relevant categories and other  related articles to current articles to help the users to understand the  concept in better way. As users will visits more pages on your blog, it  will decrease bounce rate.

    Avoid using Pop-ups

Visitors  often find pop-ups very annoying when they are bombarded with such as  soon as they enter a blog page. You must let the visitor enjoy you blog  first. You can show pop-ups after certain period of time.

    Slow loading speed

Users don’t like to wait, and we are becoming more and more accustomed to the fast load times,  which means your blog will be left in the dust when a user must wait.  There are plenty of other articles similar to yours. If your web page load time is high, users will close your web page and will try alternative pages available.

  • Unwanted Advertisements
Though  showing advertisement is useful for bloggers to earn some money from  blog, but it should not frustrate the users. Users do not prefer to see  blog with lots of advertisement. Ensure that the ads you allow in your blog page  are in some ay relevant to the content and should be shown in decent  manner in your blog. Advertisement should not keep popping up on your  content.
  • Make Your Blog Mobile friendly
This  is the mobile era and mostly people carry their mobiles and access  internet through their mobiles itself. Blogs are effective as long as content can be accessed and used from a mobile device or tablet. Mobile usability  does not necessarily mean from a design compatibility and accessibility  standpoint, in many cases it means is the language on your site simple  and clear enough that people on the go (on mobile devices) can still  make sense of what they need to do to find information and at the very  least contact you if necessary.

  • Provide Internal Search Functionality
Provide  internal search functionality to your users. Web users have become so  used to search that it is an easy behavioral pattern to accommodate and  leverage for improved experience.
  • Interlinking your posts
By  interlinking your old posts at appropriate words, you will compel your  readers to click on the link and navigate to the other post. If you  interlink all the posts then the probability of your readers staying  glued to your blog is for a long time and it decrease Bounce Rate.
  • Open External Links in New Windows
There  comes a time when we refer external links to provide additional values  to our users. Always open the external links in a new window instead of  redirecting the user off your site.
You  can do this by simply adding target=”_blank into <a> tag. So for  example; <a  href=”” target=”_blank”></a>. 
