black hat SEO (search engine optimization)

black hat SEO (search engine optimization)

black hat SEO (search engine optimization)

Black Hat SEO Techniques does not follow the guide line of search engine. Black hat SEO Techniques are the Hidden content, Keyword Stuffing, Images Mapping, Doorway pages, Duplicate content, Images etc.adding unrelated keywords to the page content or page swapping (changing the webpage entirely after it has been ranked by search engines).

Black Hat SEO Usage

Black hat SEO is more frequently used by those who are looking for a quick financial return on their Web site, rather than a long-term investment on their Web site. Black hat SEO can possibly result in your Web site being banned from a search engine, however since the focus is usually on quick high return business models, most experts who use Black Hat SEO tactics consider being banned from search engines a somewhat irrelevant risk.
keyword stuffing

keyword stuffing

keyword stuffing

A SEO technique used by Web designers to overload keywordsonto a Web page so that search engines will read the page as being relevant in a Web search.

Because search engines scan Web pages for the words that are entered into the search criteria by the user, the more times a keyword appears on the Web page the more relevancy the search engine will assign to the page in the search results (this is only one way that search engines determine relevancy, however.)

Search engines often penalize a site if the engine discovers keyword stuffing, as this practice is considered poor netiquette, and some search engines will even ban the offending Web pages from their search results.

Various Methods of Keyword Stuffing

There are several methods of keyword stuffing. One way is to insert repeating keywords within the input type="hidden" field meta tag or the keyword tag so that the keywords are not seen by the user but are scanned by the search engine.

Another way is to make text in the body of the Web page invisible text, or hidden text, by making the text the same color as the page's background, rendering the text invisible to the user unless the user highlights the text. This method is called invisible keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing can also be referred to as keyword loading andspamdexing.

How To Recover From Google Penguin Update

What is Google’s “Penguin”?

Google’s fight against cyber spam has led to the creation of yet another animal-named algorithm, officially known to the world as the Google Penguin. Dedicated to reduce cyber traffic and give low ranks to link-schemed websites, the update has been a success in raising the bar for the standard of SEO in websites; though there would be many who would beg to differ.

What is Google’s “Penguin”?

Who is affected?

Well, there are way more people than you can imagine, who have suffered- because of low quality back links and black hat techniques aimed at finding a way past Google’s algorithms for unfair advantages. The most recent update, on 5th October, 2012 is reported to have affected about 0.3% of English queries.
What all should I look out for?
In case you have a website, or public content posted on the internet, look out for things such as link relevance, low quality back-links, automated queries being sent to Google, content duplication, hidden links or texts, and ANY other kind of black-hat techniques which are the algorithm’s target. If you’re noticing a sudden drop in the traffic on your site, you might just need to make some adjustments.

How do I make my website look more natural?

You may have received a warning for the unnatural happenings of your site. While there’s a lot to be taken into account while refining your work, but here’s a gist of the things you should do, to recover from the “Penguin Effect”:

  • Optimize the content sent to search engines, and help make your pages relevant to the keywords you submit.
  • Look out for malicious content being promoted on your site.
  • Avoid ANY kind of black-hat technique such as keyword stuffing and cloaking.
  • Avoid automatic-query sending products.
  • Work on loading time with the help of Page Speed or YSlow.
  • Keep check of broken links, and maintain the quality of content.
  • Under no conditions should one go for plagiarism or duplicated work!
  • Divert your links and keep different anchor texts.
  • Though guest posting is nice, it’s important for bloggers to know that Google takes these as back-links, and are a negative point to your site.
  • Integrate your site with as many social sites possible, especially Google Plus!


Google’s Spam Remover Tool

In October, 2012 Google lived up to its promise and introduced the Disavow Link Tool which helps websites remove spam, and as a result get rid of their penalty. There are a number of cases which can testify that the tool works, so you might want to consider it.
Another helpful tool to make use of is the Webmaster Tool which analyzes your site’s SEO and notifies you of the problems your site could get into, if any.
Few things to know about Disavow Link Tool
  1. Make sure that when you submit the links – Use Text file or CSV format – See thisGoogle forum link
  2. Here is an example of a person who recovered his website from Google panda update – link
  3. Here is the link to submit links in the Google Disavow Tool – link
Here is a video from Matt Cutts (Google) : Explaining about the tool

What if I’m being penalized accidentally?

As considerate as the server is, you can send in a reconsideration request and the team will take care of it from there! However, in most cases, there will be an obvious reason or glitch that you over-looked, so you may want to check twice!
Tips and Tricks which are Suggested by SEO Experts
  • Make Unique and Genuine content – User experience is important
  • Some SEO’s say that its better to take a new domain and shift the content to it. (this is working for some : not sure yet)
  • NEVER USE blogroll links in your website/blog
  • Always remember that the anchor text for
  • Go social – promote your site via facebook, twitter, digg, and google plus – some say it helped a lot
  • Check your site internal linking and the anchor text associated with that.
  • Get more QUALITY back links.
  • Identify the poor links and try to remove them by requesting the site owners and then go for the Google reconsideration request.
Recent update ( 09-02-2013)
Uli Lutz, Google Search Quality Engineer replied to a person regarding the usage of disavow link tool and mentioned some important points. – link
Question : Where should we look for backlinks which effect our website ?
Answer: Try to concentrate on the links that are reported in the Google webmaster tools
Question: If by mistake reported a good site instead of bad one, what to do ?
Answer: Do not  worry about that. You must be aware of  site-wide disavow possibility and it will make things easy.
Note : Submit for reconsideration request only after you use the disavow link tool or manual links removal

List of Google Penguin Updates

Google Penguin VersionRelease Date% of search queries affectedReferences
# 3October 5, 20120.3 % of English and 0.4 % of non Englishclick here
# 2May 24, 20120.1% of  Englishclick here
# 1April 24, 2012No dataclick here

penguin algorithms is looking for links

so you dont use much links
give only average internal links per a site
penguin is link building purpose


panda algorithms is looking for content
so we dont maintain duplicate content/copy content 
give only original content your site
panda is content purpose
How To Recover From Google Panda Update

How To Recover From Google Panda Update

Google’s Panda update, aimed at improving the quality of search engine results, has left webmasters reeling under shocks. Naturally, the sight of plummeting traffic is nothing short of shocking!

However, Panda is not just a ruthless body blow to domains, but a lot more. And understanding it in totality is the first step towards standing through the storm like an oak.

How To Recover From Google Panda Update

Follow :

How To Recover From Google Panda Update

Do you need to be worried?

If you rear any thoughts of success with your websites, you should be concerned. A good way to begin the analysis of how Panda affected your website would be to assess whether your traffic influx improves, remained stable, or dipped.

Party hard if you experienced improvement, the future is yours. Stay in your boots if no significant change occurred, but be careful. Traffic down? Get down to serious work, now is the time to act.

If you want to know if your website/blog is affected with Google Panda or not, then you need to cross check with your traffic analyzing tools like Google Analytics, awstats, histats and so on. Observe the traffic tread on the day before and after panda update.

What does Google Panda aim to target?

At the receiving end of the algorithm update from Google are websites which:-
  • Serve you useless content, in other words thin content.
  • Work as content farms.
  • Clutter loads of ads on pages.
  • Are designed recklessly.
  • Remain stuck without updated content for long durations.
  • Have useless pages indexed in Google.
How can you control the damage and survive the Panda updates?

Arguably, the most important bit of information you could gather about the Panda algorithm update is – it can be survived! That’s true. The following tricks, if done in the right vein, are guaranteed to have you smiling through these testing times with Google’s search algorithms.
Get rid of stinky content – If Google could engrave ‘Content in King’ in titanium and affix on the desk of every writer, blogger and webmaster, it would do! Panda is another step towards kicking away websites with less than valuable content. So, even if you have a couple of pages with low quality content the Panda update would penalize the entire domain; either improve or throw them away.
  1. Get into your viewers’ shoes, and bellies – Design for the user, do away with crazy designs that impair the readability and visibility of content.
  2. Break broken links – Nothing irritates viewers more than 404 error pages. Apparently, Google is getting equally irritated now that Panda is on. So, use efficient tools like Xenu Tool to fix all broken links.
  3. See ‘duplicity’ as Google sees it – Think before committing naïve errors such as having same Meta descriptions and keywords with posts that could be containing different information. However, Google could easily consider these posts as duplicates, so be smart while managing meta-descriptors.
  4. Leave greed in the box while placing ads – Google will penalize your website if you do not practice patience in managing ads. With many ads above the fold, Google’s Page Layout Algorithm has all the liberty and license to make your website suffer. Not only does ad clutter make it difficult for the visitors to navigate their way, it also hits the chances of referral traffic hard.
  5. Grab some helpful programs to add more substance to your present content – Doing away with spam content is important, as is getting the grammar in the writing right. Also, categorizing content logically is bound to yield good results. Know more about being active on social networks.
Difference between Google Panda and Google Penguin

Difference between Google Panda and Google Penguin

Difference between Google Panda and Google Penguin

For those who deal with SEO and blogging, Google panda and Google penguin should not be something new to them. Ever since these updates were introduced, there has been strong buzz on how to develop the perfect search engine optimization plan, so that websites have their dues in rankings. Moving forward, here is a close take Panda and penguin, the two most discussed Google updates, and the difference between the two.

What is Google Panda

Google launched Panda in February 2011, mainly as a change in its search results ranking algorithm. The main purpose of the update was just to keep those low quality and low content sites away from the top ranking results and give the actual quality sites their due.

As an obvious result, many websites with huge amount of advertising, or those with low quality content, saw a huge decline in the rankings. Ever since Panda was launched, there have been many updates to it ranging to over 22 in total.
What is Google Penguin
Another algorithm update from Google that gave SEO experts another blow was Penguin that was launched in April 2012. The idea underlying the update was simple enough- penalize and decrease the rankings of sites that breach Google’s Webmaster Guidelines set the by the search engine.

This included lowering the search engine rankings of all those sites that practice black-hat SEO techniques like duplicate content, keyword stuffing and cloaking to name a few.

Google Panda Vs Google Penguin

Difference between Google Panda and Google Penguin


Google Panda

Google Penguin

The IdeaPenalize websites of low quality and those with low quality content.It is first introduced in 24thFebruary, 2011 with the name of Farmer Update in USA.Bring down websites that violate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and use  black-hat SEO techniques
Date of First updateFebruary 2011April 2012
Also Known asFarmer UpdateOver Optimization Penalty.
Number of updatesPanda had over 24updates till March 2013, last being on Jan 22, 2013.Penguin had just three updates since its launch in April last year.
PurposeBring the high quality and content sites on the top of search engine rankingsBring the high quality and content sites on the top of search engine rankings
Surviving the algorithm change
  • There are no two ways about surviving Panda than to make an update in the website and get rid of all those low quality pages, content and keywords.
  • Over-optimized pages need to be checked.
  • Websites that have been hit by Panda need to work on brand awareness and social media networks in a new campaign.
  • The webpage(s) that have been affected need to be isolated from those that weren’t harmed.
  • Black hat SEO techniques need to be abolished because Penguin is smart enough to deal with all websites indulging in these practices.
  • Avoid excessive link building, doorway pages, keyword stuffing, and meaningless and irrelevant content.
  • Creating content for other blogs and websites and socializing content.
  • Relevant use of keywords and absolute refrain from all kinds of stuffing.
Google released any tool to recover ? NO Google introduced A new tool called “disavow links tool” – see the Google webmaster central blogpost
Recovery choices for websitesPanda is basically an on-page problem, so the main changes need to be on the website. Check for pages with no or little content, as well as, for plagiarism. Creating elaborative pages with FAQs and more for a website should help.Check for the links to find if there are from the same domain name or IP address, so that links don’t look like purchased. The links should not just be direct links to the website, because websites that have followed such polices have seen dip in the rankings.
Disavow tool can be helpful in getting rid of too many links that are just associated with the keywords.
Penguin genuinely focuses on penalizing unnatural links that are causing changes in the search results intentionally.
How do The algorithms affect a site? It is possible that an entire site is affected through panda. Usually single pages of a website are not targeted in the algorithm.
Panda doesn’t look for think contents but the overall content, so in websites where little original content and more duplicate or thin contents are present, those are likely to be fully penalized.
 Penguin generally affects one part of the website on a page and keyword level.
Unless spammed for too much keyword usage on the entire, Penguin doesn’t damage the entire site.
 Does a recovery request help?  No, because the changes are overall.  No, unless a manual warning is issued, and even in such warnings, recovering is next to impossible.
Does manual removal of links needed? No, because content is more important here. If time permits and one wants to avoid relying totally on Disavow tool, then definitely manual link removal is helpful.
By when sites can recover?If the duplicate and thin content has been done away with, then probably by the next refresh.Should take time in recovering as refreshing is not frequent. Google has announced an update but with no date specified.
Detailed tips and tricks to recover Tips to recover from Google panda Tips to recover from Google penguin
When is the next update ?  No idea 4th penguin update going to happen soon in the month of May, 2013. source : Matt Cutts Twitter

Even though the magnitude of the updates seems to be low in comparison to the results they generated, there is no denying that SEO experts and webmasters have a lot to cope with. With content getting the topmost priority, there is no possibility of any kind of trick in the current scenario!

Still if you are confused about these Google search updates and wanted some personal tips and tricks then contact us and we will try to help and guide you
Builds links

Builds links

Before search engines like Google had fancy ways to personalize your search results based on your friends and your location, they used one main element to figure out which stuff was the best on the web: links.

When a well respected, trusted website links to your site, it sends a signal to Google that you’re hanging out with good company. If this happens often enough with enough trusted, quality websites, Google gets the idea that you’re a trusted, quality website – and makes it more likely that searchers will see your site.

This means that SEOs spend a lot of time working on getting links in a process called link building. Link-building tactics can range from simply asking for a link to writing a guest post – and there are many others. Again, DataDial breaks it down.

Researches and optimizes keywords

Researches and optimizes keywords

Keywords are the words you enter into a search engine to find what you’re looking for. If we go back to our sneakers example, a shoe company might want to be known for shoe-related keywords like “tennis shoes,” “sneakers” and “athletic shoes” as well as specific brands like Nike or Reebok.

SEOs perform keyword research to determine which keywords would be best to target for a given site. Then they make sure the site uses those keywords often enough and in the right spots in a process called keyword optimization. This graphic from DataDial is a good primer on some basic spots for keywords..

Researches and optimizes keywords
100 SEO Tools

100 SEO Tools

100 SEO Tools

1. Anchor Text Over Optimization Tool
Link Research, Technical SEO
Worried about Google's Penguin algorithm hitting you for over-optimized anchor text? Simply type in your URL for a full report of which links might raise flags.

2. Bing Webmaster Tools
Tools Suite, Diagnostic
Similar in function to Google Webmaster Tools, Bing offers a suite of interesting research tools and resources for webmasters.

3. Bitly
Social, Analytics
Most people use Bitly for URL shortening, but the real power of this platform comes from its analytics.

4. Boomerang
Email, Productivity
Boomerang lets you follow up on emails, even when you forget. Great for link building or any time you send a lot of emails.

5. Buffer
Optimize your online social media sharing. Buffer allows you to share with your audience at the optimal times for greater visibility.

6. BuiltWith
Competitive Intelligence
Use BuiltWith to discover what technology nearly any website was, well, built with. Great for competitive intelligence as well.

7. Buzzstream Tools Suite
Link Building, Tools Suite, Email
Most people know Buzzstream as an outreach platform, but they also offer a number of free link-building tools. This company gets it.

8. Caption Tube
Free and easy resource used to create captions for YouTube. Helps with usability and offers viewers a readable transcript.

9. CircleCount
Social, Analytics
Google+ analytics ramped up. Free resource to track your followers and analyze your shares. See how many followers you've gained over time.

10. Content Strategy Generator Tool
This tool from SEOgadget helps you plan your content strategy intelligently, using keyword research and estimating your audience size.

11. Convert Word Documents to Clean HTML
Content, Productivity
Despite the rise of Google Docs, Word still dominates much of the world. Copying and pasting has always been a hurdle, but this tool makes it easy.

12. Copyscape
Copyscape serves both as a plagiarism checker and a duplicate-content checker. Great to use if your content has been distributed across the web.

13. Domain Hunter Plus
Link Building
This magic extension for Chrome not only helps you find important broken links, but also tells you if the links point to an available domain.

Free tools for creating and sharing inforgraphics. The templates allow anyone to create a professional-looking graphic.

15. Email Format
Email, Productivity
Email Format helps you find the proper structure for thousands of companies and organizations across the web.

16. FindPeopleonPlus
The ultimate Google+ directory that's great for research, outreach, and link building. Sort by keywords, profession, country, and more.

17. Frobee Robots.txt Checker
Robots.txt, Technical SEO
Many robots.txt files contain hidden errors not easily visible to humans. Run your file through this tool and you never know what you'll discover.

18. GetListed
Local, Moz
This awesome local SEO tool scores your local SEO visibility and gives you actionable next steps to raise your score.

19. Google Keyword Planner
Keyword Research
The tool to replace Google's popular keyword tool has been derided by some, but still offers data not available anywhere else.

20. Google Analytics
The most popular of all the analytics tools available, Google Analytics continually innovates and sets the standard.

21. Google Analytics API
API, Analytics
The Google Analytics API is great for building custom reports and tools, and also for pulling data straight into Excel or Google Docs.

22. Google Map Maker
Among other things, Google Map Maker allows you to contribute to public map information, which may be shared and incorporated into Google Maps.

23. Google PageSpeed Insights
Tools, data, and insights to improve your page speed. Page speed is correlated with better rankings and user engagement, so this matters.

24. Google Public Data
Drawing on vast public databases, Google public data offers a great starting point for content research, infographics, and more.

25. Google SERP Snippet Optimization Tool
Technical SEO, CRO
That SEO Mofo! Use this tool to see how your snippet may appear in Google's search results. Add structured data, review stars, and more.

26. Google Structured Data Testing Tool
Structured Data, Technical SEO
If you use microformats or any other type of structured data, this tool will verify your markup.

27. Google Trends
Keyword Research
See what's trending in Google search results and view keyword search popularity over time. A must for trends.

28. Google Webmaster
Tools Suite, Diagnostic
The interface recently received an overhaul, and Google Webmaster remains a must-have resource of diagnostic and health tools for site owners.

IFTTT stands for IF This, Then That. The tool allows you to create automatic triggers between various apps, like Gmail and Twitter.

A great free Infographics resource that allows you to easily create graphics and data visualizations.

31. Internet Marketing Ninjas SEO Tools
Tools Suite
The Ninjas are some of the best SEOs and online marketers out there, and they've put some of their best tools online for free.

32. Linkstant
Link Building
This nifty analytics tool alerts you anytime someone links to your website. Great for outreach and intelligence gathering.

33. Email Guesser
Email, Link Building
Need to send an email, but you don't have the recipient's address? Type in what you know and this nifty tool will help you figure it out.

Need to send an email to an untested address, but you don't want to spam them? Check it first with this mail tester to verify.

35. MozCast
SERP Tracking, Moz
Want to know if Google is testing its algorithm this week? MozCast gives you a daily weather report to track changes in the SERPs.

36. MyBlogGuest
Link Building, Content
Guest blogging is still alive and thriving. MyBlogGuest helps you find the good opportunities out there.

37. Panguin Tool
This awesome tool connects with your Google Analytics account to help you see if and when you've been hit by Google Algorithm updates.

38. Pingdom
Pingdom offers an entire suite of speed tools to help analyze page load, DNS issues, and connectivity.

39. Piwik
Piwik is a lightweight web analytics solution, and a great alternative to Google Analytics.

40. Rank Checker for Firefox
Rank Tracking
This light and easy desktop tool checks rankings with the click of a button. Quick, easy and free.

41. Rapportive
Email, Link Building, Productivity
Rapportive works with your Gmail inbox to give you near-instant rich contact information for almost everyone you want to reach. A must-have for marketers.

42. Remove Duplicate Items
Ontolo offers a suite of link building software and a few helpful productivity tools for link builders. The remove duplicates tool solves a common problem.

43. Robots.txt Checker
Robots.txt, Technical SEO
Use robots best practices and discover hidden errors in your robots.txt files that may cause search engine crawling problems.

44. Schema Creator
Structured Data, Technical SEO
Everyone loves using, but the microformats are difficult to write by hand. This generator from the folks at Raven simplifies the task.

45. Scraper for Chrome
If you've never scraped a webpage, you're missing out. Scraper for Chrome puts the power of simple web scraping in your hands without the need for code.

46. Seer Toolbox
Tools Suite, Analytics, Link Research
SEER opened up its internal toolbox for everyone in the world to use. These are the same tools used in-house at SEER, and they rock.

47. SEO Toolbar
Tools Suite, Toolbar, Technical SEO
On of the most popular tools available, The SEO Toolbar puts a ton of information at your fingertips including backlinks and competitive research.

48. SEO Tools for Excel
Tools Suite, Analytics, Social
You don't need to be an Excel ninja to use Niels Bosma's SEO Tools for Excel. This plugin does so many things many SEOs won't work without it.

49. SEOgadget Links API
API, Link Research
The SEOgadget Links API lets you easily gather not only backlink data but contact information as well. A huge time saver.

50. SEOgadget Tools
Tools Suite
This suite of tools from the Gadget lab includes several Excel plugins, a content strategy generator, and more.

51. SEOQuake
Toolbar, Tools Suite, Technical SEO
More raw data than any other SEO toolbar out there.

52. SharedCount
Social, Analytics
Want to know how any piece of content was shared socially across the major services? This is the tool to use.

53. SharedCount API
API, Social
Harnessing the combined statistics of Google+, Twitter, Facebook, and more, the SharedCount API puts a ton of social data at your fingertips.

54. Similar Page Checker
Content, Technical SEO
Use this tool to check for duplicate content issues. The Similar Page Checker will give you a score of how closely the HTML of two pages resemble each other.

55. Sitemap Generators
Google offers a slew of free, top-notch sitemap generators. Most of these live on your server and generate new sitemaps automatically.

56. Social Authority API
API, Social
How much reach and social authority do your followers have? How about the people you're trying to connect with? The free Social Authority API will tell you.

57. Social Crawlytics
Social, Analytics
Social Crawlytics allows you to conduct competitive research by showing you your competitors' most-shared content. Lots of other features as well.

58. Social Mention
Social mention offers real-time social media search and analysis. Enter a search term and see who's sharing what, right now.

59. Text Cleaner
Some of the best tools solve the simplest problems. Text cleaner cleans up all kinds of text formatting when copying and pasting between aplications.

60. Ubersuggest
Keyword Research
Every SEO loves Ubersuggest for its ease of use and wealth of keyword research ideas. Utilizing the power of Google Suggest, it returns hundreds of potential results.

61. URI Valet
Technical SEO
A great tool for digging into server headers, canonical information, analyzing redirect problems and more.

62. Virante SEO Tools
Tools Suite
Virant offers a number of high quality SEO tools to the public. These are often the same tools developed for the Virant team, opened up for public use.

63. Wayback Machine
Competitive Intelligence
Want to see the history of your website or your competitor's site? The Wayback Machine allows you to step back in time and track important changes.

64. WebPagetest
Quick and easy website speed tool. Offers suggestions for improving performance.

65. Wordle
Create beautiful word clouds. Great for visualizations, graphics, and research.

66. Wordstream Free Keyword Tools
Keyword Research, Tools Suite
In addition to its paid offerings, Wordstream offers a suite of free keyword tools offering access to thousands of keyword suggestions.

67. Xenu's Link Sleuth
Diagnostic, Technical SEO
Winner of the ugliest-SEO-tool-on-the-planet award, Xenu is also one of the most useful. Crawl entire sites, find broken links, create sitemaps, and more.

XML-Sitemaps offers probably the easiest sitemap creation solution anywhere. Great for smaller sites when you need a sitemap in minutes.

69. Yahoo Pipes
Content, Productivity
A great mashup tool that combines different feeds into content and other magical creations. Used for link building and whatever you can dream of.

70. Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin
Technical SEO
If you could only choose one WordPress plugin for you site, the first would be from Yoast, and so would the second. This one sets the standard.

71. YouTube Analytics
Video, Analytics
Offers video-specific analytics for YouTube videos. A must-have for YouTube video publishers.

Free and Paid

72. Ahrefs
Link Research, Link Building
One of the more popular link research tools, Ahrefs offers a large index and nice anchor text distribution charts. Mostly a paid tool, but they offer some free data.

73. Banana Tag
Banana Tag allows you to track your emails after you send them. For example, check your email open rates from Gmail.

74. CloudFlare
How do they make CloudFlare free? It works both as a CDN and a security service to provide your website with speed and safety.

75. Followerwonk
Social, Analytics, Moz
Perhaps the coolest thing about Followerwonk is the ability to track your followers. Smart SEOs also use it for outreach and research.

76. Keyword Eye
Keyword Research
Keyword eye adds a twist to keyword research by adding rich visualizations — essential when you want to move beyond keywords to valuable concepts.

77. KnowEm
KnowEm allows you to check 100's of social profiles at once to check availability. Looking for the perfect brand name? Check KnowEm first.

78. Majestic SEO
Link Research, Competitive Intelligence, Link Building
You've probably seen Majestic SEO link charts all over the Internet. Great crawling technology combined with several free options make for great link research.

79. Majestic SEO API
API, Link Research
Majestic makes much of its backlink data available for free via its API.

80. MozBar
Tools Suite, Toolbar, Moz
The standard SEO toolbar for legions of marketers, the MozBar allows you to perform over 50 key tasks right from your browser. Highly recommended.

81. Mozscape API
API, Link Research, Moz
Companies everywhere incorporate the Mozscape API into their own products, but it's also available to individuals, and much of the data is free.

82. nTopic
nTopic is one of the few proven methods for giving your content a relevancy score and offering keyword suggestions to improve it.

83. Open Site Explorer
Link Research, Moz, Competitive Intelligence, Link Building
When Google and Yahoo started removing backlink data from the public, Moz built Open Site Explorer to fill a huge need. See backlinks, anchor text, popularity metrics and more.

84. Piktochart
A cute and easy infographic generator. No experience required.

85. RowFeeder
Social, Analytics
RowFeeder allows you to track social usernames, hashtags and keywords and load that information into Excel for easy social media monitoring.

86. Screaming Frog
Diagnostic, Technical SEO
A powerful website crawling tool with a ton of features and customizations. A must-have for most serious SEOs.

87. Searchmetrics Visibility Charts
SERP Tracking, Competitive Intelligence
Track the search visibility of any website, in addition to tracking winners and losers in Google's search results.

88. SEMrush
Tools Suite, Keyword Research, Competitive Intelligence
The paid and organic keyword data offered by SEMrush is often scary good and comprehensive. Also great for researching competitors' ads.

89. SERPmetrics
SERP Tracking, Competitive Intelligence
SERPmetrics flux charts track the flux for US search results across Yahoo, Bing and Google over a 30-day period. A paid API is also available.

90. SimilarWeb
Competitive Intelligence
Impressive competitive intelligence across a number of online industries. Competitor website stats are hard to come by, but Similar Web does a good job.

91. StatCounter
Free, quick, and lightweight analytics solution. Often used by those who want to avoid using Google Analytics for privacy reasons.

92. Trello
Project management and tracking made simple. Used and endorsed by Moz.

93. Whitespark Local Citation Finder
Finding local citations is key to local SEO. Whitespark offers a number of free and paid solutions to find the local citations to rise above the competition.

94. Whois Lookup
Competitive Intelligence
Find registration, contact, and administrative information for any domain.

95. Wistia
The king of online video, Wistia offers SEO-friendly solutions for video hosting. Both free and low-cost options available.

Free Trials

96. Moz Analytics
Tools Suite, Diagnostic, Moz, Rank Tracking, Social
The flagship of the Moz software suite, Moz Analytics offers a dashboard of all your important marketing data in one place with actionable analytics for better marketing.

97. Optimizely
A/B Testing, CRO
Easy A/B testing and analytics to help you move toward success in your CRO efforts.

98. Raven
Tools Suite, Diagnostic, Content, Social
Raven offers a classic suite of SEO, content, and research tools popular with many marketers.

99. Visual Website Optimizer
A/B Testing, CRO
Visual Website Optimizer allows you to run A/B tests with a simple online editor that lets you test content without knowing code.

100. Wordtracker
Keyword Research
A powerful keyword research suite used by many top marketers, Wordtracker offers a generous free trial option.

