Importance of Internet Marketing

Importance of Internet Marketing

The present market scenario is rapidly becoming global in nature, thus owning mere a physical store or business front is not enough to achieve the desired results. In today's time when there is time constraint and budget limitations than traditional shopping is not enough. So in the era were time is limited and in order to get the target customers websites are very necessary.

Some business ideas works and some might not work for another type. Little knowledge about internet marketing can help to save time, money and resources yielding greater online profits.

If we compare rates of offline marketing and internet marketing, the later is much cheaper. On medias like television, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc we see limited number of big shot companies that advertise their products/services. But world wide web is used by all sizes and types of companies for advertising purpose. Even if you have budget constraint, online marketing is a good idea.

You can find many advertising tools like Google's AdSense and AdWords using which business companies can market that too in their budget. If you set a budget prior to planning to internet marketing strategies than you can get better benefits. Sometimes you can even get the privilege to get the services of internet marketing for free offered by certain websites, but their services is very limited and have lesser features.

Now-a-days social media websites are also used for business promotion for instance Facebook, Digg, Twitter, etc. These websites offer novel and attractive ways for online advertising without putting much burden on your pocket. Sooner you may even start earning wealth through this medium.

Some people might wonder why to consider internet marketing and what can be the possible positive reasons. You can target the customers very easily through this tool. The reason behind it is keyword driven that can bring in the desired business. For any product requirement customers type in the words related in the search engine box browser.

Internet works 24/7/365 days a year, therefore it can be said that you can earn even while you are asleep. If you want to target the global market than there is no other better medium than this one, as the customers would be from different time zone who would be keen in purchasing your company's products/services.

Gone are the days when traditional style of business was enough to achieve the set goals, now-a-days you need to make use of internet marketing and its services
Define search engine?

Define search engine?

A web search engine is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web and FTP servers. The search results are generally presented in a list of results and are often called hits. The information may consist of web pages, images, information and other types of files. Some search engines also mine data available in databases or open directories. Unlike Web directories, which are maintained by human editors, search engines operate algorithmically or are a mixture of algorithmic and human input.
Keyword Placement

Keyword Placement

When it comes to creating content for your website you want to be sure that you are going to be showing up in Google for your main keywords, we all know this and by now most businesses have worked on getting their meta information in place so their Page Title and Meta Descriptions show their nice keywords and an enticing welcome for internet searchers. Where businesses are now lacking is bringing these keywords into the websites actual page content, to increase their on page optimisation score and further boost their rankings not to mention conversions if strategically placed.

Google isn’t dumb, they know when you put a keyword on a page just for the sake of it so they don’t give brownie points for keyword stuffing (the art of filling up your sentences so every second word is a keyword and it doesn’t actually make that much sense to humans). They do though have a collection of general keyword usages that they look out for on your page to ensure that your content, website and therefore business is relevant to what people are searching for. Out 9 SEO tips for your business keywords will show you how to optimise your page for your keywords.

Keyword research using Google spreadsheet

Before you dive in, remember that on page optimisation will only increase traffic and conversions if you are targeting the right keywords in the first place (many businesses get this wrong). There are four golden rules to selecting profitable keywords, they MUST have:

  • Good search volume
  • Commercial value
  • Low enough competition

High commercial intent (is someone actually looking to buy your product or service when they type in this keyword)

Targeting the wrong keywords will send you down the wrong path and can really hurt your revenue. Don’t start rushing in to populate your keywords unless you have already done some heavy lifting in the keyword gym and are sure you have a list of main and secondary keywords to knock the socks off your opposition. The screen shot to the right shows the level of detail we go to when selecting the most profitable keywords to target for a website, content strategy or link building campaign.

So assuming you have select the most profitable keywords for your website let’s get into optimising your page content using them!

Top 9 keyword placement seo tips

1. Each page (article, post etc) of content should be between 500-1000 words long
Creating a page that only has 100 words on it, is pretty much a waste of your time. Unless you are providing great content you aren’t going to get all of the benefits of talking about the topic and could potentially leave your readers asking questions that your website doesn’t answer.

2. Use your primary keyword at least one time in each 80-100 words and each secondary keyword at least one time in each 400-500 words
Each page of your website should be mapped out with one primary keyword (the main focus of the page) and 3-4 secondary keywords. When you write (or edit) the content of your page you need to include these words to make the content relevant. Your primary keyword should be repeated a few times throughout and your secondary every so often, maybe once or twice in the page depending on its length.

3. Use your primary keyword in the title of the page, article or post
Each of your pages should have a title that is created using the <h1> heading tag. When you create this title it should include your primary keyword as this is given more emphasis than your page content.

4. Use the primary keyword in the first and last sentence of your page, article or post
This is one that you should be aiming to do anyway, include your primary keyword at the beginning and the end to introduce people to the topic and remind them why they just read your page: nice simple grammar we should have all learnt in school.

5. Include at least 2 sub-titles with the primary keyword of the page, article or post (one H2 and one H3)
A large article should always be built out with sub headings to show the different sections of the page, these subheadings should include your primary keyword. If your keyword is Bundaberg Accommodation your sub headings could be Bundaberg Accommodation Facilities and Things to do near your Bundaberg Accommodation.

6. Include the primary keyword in the first part of your meta description (and remember it needs to be unique for every page on your site)
Getting back to the Meta Description we mentioned earlier, you need to ensure your primary keyword is included towards the beginning. This is a basic SEO rule that provides emphasis to search engines and also shows searchers that your page content is relevant to what they are looking for.

7. Include at least one image in each post optimised for the primary keyword including the image name and alt tag.
No one wants to look at a long page with no images, when you create your page content make sure you include relevant images that are named appropriately with the keyword and have an alt tag also including that keyword, remember, search engines cannot see images, they rely on the image name and alt tag to find out what the image is ‘about’.

8. Include one primary keyword in bold and one italicised
Throughout your text, where most appropriate you should format your primary keyword so it is bolded and italicised once each. In our case we have included seo tips and seo tips throughout our content.

9. Use your keyword as part of your website permalink (extended domain name for pages i.e.
When you create your page you should be able to determine the URL that will show for that page, you should always work to include the keyword as part of it and when in two parts separate the word with a hyphen.

Achieving all 9 of the seo tips for your page content can take some work and a little discipline to get used to doing it each time. If you are lucky and are operating on a great CMS like WordPress there are plugins available that will help this process for you. On our new Smart Accommodation Website we have included the Easy WP SEO Keyword Optimiser plugin to help our clients out with optimising their content.

The plugin reviews all of the content that you have provided, your meta information, your page link (everything!) and gives you a ranking and suggestions for improvement, it’s amazing and just like having this seo tips article in your website guiding you and telling what you write.

Final word – even if you do nothing else, get a ranking report set-up so you can see how much potential business you are missing out on. We use Rank Tracker and tie it into our clients Google Analytics accounts so the report pulls the actual traffic they get compared to what they could receive for a number 1 spot. Rank tracker is a bit pricey and requires an annual subscription but another free option is Cute Rank Checker which doesn’t have all the bells and whistles but will still give you a great report from which you can start making some strategic online marketing decisions.


In Seo We have two sitemaps

1. Html Sitemap
2. Xml Sitemap

1. Html Sitemap : Only user point of view we can create this html sitemap. For example if our website has 100 pages, all 100 pages user can’t find at one place so that we can create all pages at one place. We must save this site map name as sitemap.html

Ex : These are our web pages names


For this pages url is
Seo Online Training

For this pages url is
WordPress Training

For this pages url is
About us

For this pages url is
Contact us

For this pages url is
Image Gallery

For this pages url is
Advance Seo Training

For this pages url is
Digital Marketing Training

For this pages url is
PPC – Adwords Training

For this pages url is

Now we will create hyper links to the above pages
Syntax for  creating  hyper links <a href=”url”>Text</a>

Now we should create hyperlink to this pages
<a href=””>Home</a>
<a href=””>Seo Online Training</a>
<a href=””>WordPress Training</a>
<a href=””>About us</a>
<a href=””>Contact us</a>
<a href=””>Image Gallery</a>
<a href=””>Advance Seo Training</a>
<a href=””>Digital Marketing Training</a>
<a href=””>PPC – Adwords Training</a>

Like this we can create links to all our webpages

For html and other technology websites create separate page save that name as sitemap.html.

For wordpress websites create a separate page, page name should be sitemap  only don’t give any extension like html,php.

In the text area only create all pages hyper links, don’t create all hyper links in visual area.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Google Analytics

  • Introduction
  • What is web analytics?
Getting Started With Google Analytics
  •         How Google Analytics works
  •         What is Google Analytics V5
  •         Accounts, profiles, and users
  •         Navigating Google Analytics
  •         Basic metrics
  •         The main sections of Google Analytics reports
Traffic Sources
  •         Direct, referring, and search traffic
  •         Campaigns
  •         Search Engine Optimisation Reports
  •         Adwords
  •         Pages and Landing Pages
  •         Exit Pages
  •         Site Speed
  •         Event Tracking
  •         Site Search
  •         AdSense
  •         In Page Analytics
  •         Google Analytics Notations
  •         Unique visitors
  •         Demographics
  •         Behaviour
  •         Technology Reports
  •         Social Media
  •         Mobile
Goals & Ecommerce
  •         Setting up goals
  •         Goal reports
  •         Ecommerce tracking
  •         Multi-Channel Funnels
Actionable Insights and the Big Picture
  •         Recap of Google Analytics reports and tools
  •         Finding actionable insights
  •         Getting the organization involved
  •         Creating a data-driven culture
Resources Advanced Google Analytics Training How Google Analytics Works
  •         JavaScript, cookies, and GIF requests
  •         Differences from log-based tools
  •         Security, privacy, and reliability
  •     Google Analytics Tracking Code

  •         How the code works
  •         Customization methods
  •         Alternate tracking code (async, mobile)
  •         Universal Analytics
  •         Accounts and profiles
  •         User management
Cleaning Up Your Data
  •         Filters
  •         Introduction to regular expressions
  •         Removing internal traffic
  •         Cleaning up URLs
  •         Site Search setup
Measuring Conversion
  •         Creating goals and funnels
  •         Ecommerce tracking
Measuring Traffic
  •         Campaign tagging
  •         AdWords integration
Measuring Content
  •         AdSense integration
  •         Event Tracking coding
  •         Tracking Flash
Measuring Visitors
  •         Custom Variables
Managing Cookies and Tracking
  •         Multiple domains and subdomains
Extracting Data
  •         Export, email, and custom reports
  •         Intelligence
  •         Multi-channel funnels
  •         Data export API
How to increase page rank of website?

How to increase page rank of website?

Page Rank is a method used by Google Search Engine to rank web pages. A higher page rank means a better position in the search engine results for your web pages.

Here I am sharing tip, How to increase page rank of website?

* Page title :-

Make sure your title contains your most important search keywords. Do not make your titles longer than 80 characters (more can be considered as spamming).

* Meta description :-

Google does not index your meta ‘keywords' tag but it does index your meta 'description' tag. Make sure your description contains your most important search keywords.

* Post Quality Content :-
Unique content with great information great way to boost the website PR. So we need to post only quality content in the case of page rank.

* Update your blog daily :- 

Blog section on the website keep our website updated. Search engine always give more credit. If we will post content on blog continuously search will index our website frequently. So we need to post 1-2 content weekly.
* Get Quality Back-links :- 

If there are quality back links on our website, we will definitely boost website ranking. Back links on high pr website pass link juice to our website. So always create back links on high pr websites.

* Submit to reputed directories :- 

Submission with some reputed web directories and article directories can also improve website ranking. These sites are Dmoz, Yahoo directory, Go article, Ezine article and article base etc.

* Niche Guest Posting :- 

Guest posting is the one of great and important way to boost website ranking. We have to collect some guest posting sites niche to website and post quality content on the sites. We can also create contextual link inside the post, which extra advantage of guest posting.

* Blog Commenting :- 

Commenting on other niche blog help us to boost website ranking. Always leave comment with more and more information. Blog commenting give us do - follow back links.

* Forums Posting :- 

Join forums, forums are a great way to achieve links to your website. In most forums you are allowed to have a signature and in your signature you can put a link to your website. But another important note to look on is making sure the forum is somewhat related to your website. You will still get credit if it’s not, but if it’s related to your website than you will be accomplishing two tasks at once.

* Search Engine Directories :-

Submit to search engine directories. Search engine directories are a good way to get a free link to your website. They also increase your chances at being listed higher on popular search engines like Google, and overture.

* Creating and Publishing Articles :-

Creating and publishing articles. Articles are an easy source of generating new traffic. You can include your signature in your article. This will bring in more traffic from article submission directories. 

* Guest Posting :-

This is one of the most used and best technique to increase Page Rank. Most Blogs have options of guest posting through which you can post at their blog and get two or three back-links in return to your blog this really helps if you are posting on good Page Rank Blog with the same Niche as yours.
* Link Exchange :-

This is one of the most old techniques but it still works, in order to get a good Page Rank you should get higher Page Rank sites to link to your site, through this you will firstly get a good Page Rank and will get traffic from that site.

* Social Bookmarking :-

Social Bookmarking is a very effective method to increase Page Rank because by sharing your Site on different Social Sites you will get a free Back-link and Traffic. Some of the most popular Social Bookmarking Sites Are:

Website Accessibility :-

If Your Website is down for a long period of time, Google may reduce the ranking of your site. So You should always keep Your Website accessible.

* Use Alt Tags :-

Always describe your visual and video media using alt tags, or alternative text descriptions. They allow search engines to locate your page, which is crucial—especially for those who use text-only browsers.
I shared some of tips to improve website ranking. If you will follow these tips, will definitely improve your website page rank.
RSS Feed Submission Directories Site List

RSS Feed Submission Directories Site List

RSS directory submission is the Off page SEO Process to build High Quality Free backlinks from high authority websites. Rss directory Websites are the websites which hosts the RSS feeds in the categorized format, the blogs and websites submit their feeds to the RSS directories which builds the backlinks form them. You can submit your Rss feeds for Free to RSS directories. In simple words, we can say RSS feed submission is the easy and best way to keep our website and blog fresh. If you have no more time to supplement to your content, you can use RSS feed, in order to keep website content fresh. The RSS Feed directory will help you increase visitors, readership and to get better ranking in search engine. There is lot of RSS Feed directory sites available online. Some RSS directories don’t require you to register or sign up. Some RSS directories require you to register. Below I have collected and share top high PR RSS Feed directory site list where you can submit your blog for SEO purposes.
SMO For New Website & Businesses

SMO For New Website & Businesses

According to Search Engine Journal, over 93% marketers use social media to promote their businesses, with Facebook, Twitter and Google+ being their top social networks of choice. Social media is a fairly new concept, and the idea of using it to market your business is even newer. Many people find that they are unsure of where to start, or how to keep things going one they have started. To help educate you, we have come up with a checklist of things you must be doing daily on your social media accounts. 

Just be sure to measure the impact of your efforts so you recognize what’s working and what’s not!

* For Facebook

1) Facebook profile & Business Page creation
2) Update our company page & Business Page status daily
3) Find and "like" 4 Pages
4) Comments on 2 or 3 Pages a day
5) 1 post daily related to your brand
6) Ask people to (i.e. comment, like, share, etc)
7) Add tag people so your post appear on trending topics
8) Respond To All Valuable Messages You Have Received
9) Send friend and like request 3 to 4 peoples daily

* For Twitter

1) 3 new Tweets a day (Can be business related, circulate our blog posts, fun/social, promotional, Try to amplify your followers' communities some posting with images)
2) Add #tags so your posts appear on trending topics
3) ReTweets 2 a day(funny or interesting)
4) Follow 6 new people a day

* For LinkedIn

1) Connect with 3-4 new people a week
2) Follow 3 new companies a week
3) Request 1-2 new recommendations a week
4) Repost all blog posts on newsfeed
5) Ask for feedback

* For Blog/Blogger Outreach

1) Write 1 blog post a day
2) Reach out to community bloggers & comments on high page rank 2-3 blog per day
3) Look for 1 new blog a day to bookmark & follow
4) Repost all blog content on applicable social platforms (FaceBook/Twitter/G+/LinkedIn
5) Inclued target keywords Titles & blog content

* For Google+

1) Google + profile & Business Page creation
2) Add 3 to 4 new people to your circles per day
3) Share new and relatable content to your business 2x a day
4) your posts are set to public to reach maximum users
5) Offer & host a Google + Hangout session for an industry related topic 1x week

* For YouTube

1) Go to and click on "Sign In" in the top-right corner.
2) You Tube profile & 2 or 3 subscribe new channels in our industry related topic
3) Find 2 or 3 new video & share on Facebook Twitter,Google+ each week
4) Plan a video that an area of our businesses
5) Have video capability at special events,interviews our company hosts or attends each month
(videos relevant to your company, but sprinkle in some fun)

* For Pinterest

1) Use to sign up as a business page. (If needed, this page also provides a link to convert a formerly “personal” account to a business one.)
2) In your profile settings, enter your website’s URL. Verify your ownership of the site by uploading an HTML snippet.
3) Creat a new Pin Board relevant to your bbusinessevery week & tweet about it.
4) Allocate 10- 15 minutes a day to add to your existing boards & add a 3 to 4 pins
5) Encourage followers to Pin to your boards
6) Always use keywords in your pin,titles & descriptions
7) Follow 3-5 new Pinners a week (user related to our field)

* For Instagram

1) Download Instagram from the App Store or from Google Play to a mobile device.
2) Sign up to create a new account.
3) Upload a 110×110 pixel logo as the profile image.
4) Include your site’s URL in the profile settings.
5) Post 1 or 2 photo per day
6) Use appropriate # tags in your descriptions
7) Follow 8 to 9 new people a day
8) Comment on 3 to 5 follower post a day
9) Like 10-15 your of follower's images per day
10) Tag the location of your photo when applicable

* For Foursquare 

1) Search for your business’s name on to see if a profile already exists. In the likely chance that it does, you can follow Foursquare’s prompts to claim the listing. If your business is not already in their system, opt to create a new location.
2) Enter a phone number for Foursquare’s validation system to contact. You will immediately receive a call at that number with an automated system asking you to state your name and the name of your business. A code will then appear on your computer screen, and you’ll be prompted to enter this code on your phone.
3) Following phone verification, a "final verification" is required, via either a one-time payment or a free postcard mailed to you at the listed business address.
4) Check in to your office daily
5) Encourage coworkers to join Foursquare and follow
6) Seek out you new Twitter followers through Foursquare
7) Create checkins for all your special events & promote in advance of the event.
8) Add 1-2 tips & reviews on local eestablishmentper week.

* Also use Optionally

1) Flickr
2) Quora
4) Tumblr
8) skyrock
9) Ranker
10) GenSpot 
The Web 2.0 Backlink Method

The Web 2.0 Backlink Method

Welcome to this lesson on the Web 2.0 backlink method. In this lesson we look at using Web 2.0 to get people (and the search engines) visiting your site.
The key to this strategy is RSS. It's a crucial tool for utilising Web 2.0 sites because it acts as a connector between your blog, your Squidoo lens, your Twitter feed and all the other Web 2.0 sites you use — ultimately helping you to form a tight network, which in turn, leads to piles of traffic

What is RSS? A refresher:

RSS is a type of language that formats your website content in a standard way so that a variety of RSS readers can understand it and display it to subscribers.
When you go to a blog or any number of other sites you'll often see an orange block in the address bar, or somewhere else on the page. That's the RSS icon. If you click on this it will bring up the RSS feed.

How is an RSS feed useful?

Many web 2.0 sites allow you to
  • create RSS feeds
  • add content to their networks using RSS feeds.
They will translate your feed into standard HTML so that it can be published as content on a website. Every time you post a new article on a site or blog with RSS enabled, it will automatically update the RSS feed and consequently, any site that is using that feed. So by updating one site, you can effectively be updating many.
Not only that, each update will also provide a link back to the original source for the RSS feed. What that means is that you can build a chain or network of sites and links that ends up pointing back to your main web­site — and thereby explode your traffic through the backlinks!
The way to put this into practice is to take a systematic approach. Here's the basic method:
  1. Create three or four 300 word articles that are on the keyword topic you want to rank for. Make sure these articles have compelling titles which include the main keyword. Also make sure the keywords are in the opening and closing paragraph and once or twice throughout the body text. The content needs to have a purpose and direct readers to take action.
  2. Create a high quality lens on Squidoo and post one of your articles along with a text link back to your main site that uses the keyword you'd like to rank for.
  3. Go to Twitter and make a post that says something like: "I just created a new lens at...(and insert your Squidoo lens URL)". This is to get your backlink spidered.
  4. Create a page at
    Hubpages describes itself as the leading online publishing ecosystem and is in fact very similar to Squidoo. The benefit of Hubpages however, is that it gives you more tools to monetize your page and doesn't require the same amount of profit sharing as Squidoo.
    For this fourth step of the process, add your second article to your Hub, again making sure to include a keyword text link back to your main site. You should also add the RSS feed from your Squidoo lens to your Hubpage.
  5. Go back to Twitter and make a post about your new Hubpage to get that backlink spidered.
  6. Create a blog at and add the third article with a text link containing your keyword back to your main site and add the RSS feed from the Squidoo and Hubpages page to your blog.
  7. Post on Twitter about that to get your Blogger post spidered.
  8. Create a page at and add the RSS feed from your new pages (Tumblr allows you to add up to 5 pages).
  9. Post on Twitter again to get that backlink spidered.
  10. Create a page at with the RSS feed from all the previous sites.
  11. Post on Twitter.
  12. Create an account at Bumpzee and add your SquidooHubPagesBlogger and Tumblr RSS feed.
  13. Go to and ping all the pages you've just created, including your Twitter page.
  14. And on and on you go....!
    I could continue, but I'm sure you are getting the general idea!

Mix it up

Don't take the example I've just given as a rigid formula to be followed to the letter. The beauty of this method is that it can be mixed up in a thousand different ways; the more original the better.

Some Web 2.0 sites to try are:

You can mix and match any of these sites using the template we've give you.

Which Web 2.0 sites work best?

This is a common question, but the answer is simply that it doesn't really matter. The sites that work for you might be different from the sites that work for other affiliate marketers; so don't get too hung up on this issue. The best idea is to watch your web statistics and see which web 2.0 sites are sending you the most traffic. From that information, you can weed out the ones that aren't working and focus on the ones that are.
Most web hosting companies will give you a basic stats package that allows you to see where your traffic is coming from.

Forget the "nofollow" tag

The nofollow tag is what some sites add to their outgoing links to tell the search engines not to pay attention to that link. It was introduced a few years back to try to curb comment spam in blogs. It's considered a problem for internet marketers because a back­link with a "nofollow" tag doesn't really count as a backlink - it stops PageRank being passed on by the search engines, making the "backlink" useless for SEO
However, the good news is that even with the nofollow tag, people will still visit a website, read your content and then visit your site. And at the end of the day, isn't traffic what you're really after anyway?
What are the benefits of forum posting?

What are the benefits of forum posting?

I know some of the benefits of doing forum posting.

1.Forum posting is the greatest way of achieving back links.
2.Forum links allows you to boost related keywords of your website so that the ranking for the website goes high in the search engine's position.
3.Also forum posting helps in bringing more organic traffic.
4.Forums are the excellent way to get free traffic towards website.
People are here to help each other by solving their queries.
Why is link wheel so effective for the seo ?

Why is link wheel so effective for the seo ?

A strong and complex link wheel network can give your desired results quite easily, but you need to consider follow things before you create your link wheel network:

1. Content quality: Never compromise with the quality of the content you are using for your link wheel. A low quality or duplicate content can vanish your all efforts. So always try to write a content that contains some useful values for the readers.

2. Web 2.0 platform selection: Selecting a right web 2.0 platform is also very important for your. A high authorized web 2.0 site like hubpages or squidoo can give great values to your link wheel. But still if you are looking for creating some level-2 links then you can ignore these things.

3. Profile creation: Whenever you create your web 2.0 profile make sure that you have used genuine information about your business. Using your profile just to promote your content can be spammy little bit. So
your profile with the detailed information about your business and services.

4. Social Media sharing: Share your all web 2.0 updates on your social network and blog network so that maximum people can reach to your content.

5. Avoid two way linking: Never create interlinks or reciprocal links for your two different web 2.0 profiles . Two way linking or reciprocal linking is not considered a good Seo tactic.
One Way Link Building

One Way Link Building

One Way Link Building

One way link building is a process of getting link on other website without giving a link to that website.

One way link Building is the best method to increase the ranking of your website, you can do one way linking by various methods like Forum posting, Guest posting, Classifieds Submission.


1 way: A to B or B to A
exchange: A to B and B to A
3 way: A to B, B to C and C to A
Content is the king of SEO

Content is the king of SEO

Yes, Content is the king these days. If someone wants a good rank for website or blog then content will play a major role in it. Powerful and unique content is required for website or blog. If content is fresh then there is a high chance to get good rank on search engines. If anyone tries to copy other's content then Google will definitely punish that website.
Get keyword ranking in 2 months

Get keyword ranking in 2 months

Yes, it is possible to get the top rank for the keywords in Google search engine within 2 months. But for that you have to know about the keen aspects of some Off page SEO tasks which are of high importance. Like guest posting, Forum posting, QnA, PBN, Infographic creation, Press Release etc. could help an individual to attract a huge number of online visitors towards a particular business easily.
How can recover my site from google panda?

How can recover my site from google panda?

Taming the Panda:

When preparing copy for your website there is a few guidelines to follow if you want Google Panda to rank it.

1. Make sure your copy is original work and not duplicated or paraphrased

2. Make the content readable and avoid stuffing your content with keywords

3. Try to link other relevant content on your site and ensure you use descriptive anchor text

4. Use correct formatting such as Heading tags and bold tags to clearly indicate what the focus of the content is about.

5. Always try and link to an authoritative link where possible

6. Balance the page in favour of your content and not advertising. If you must have advertising, try an add it lower down the page

7. Pay attention to grammar and proofread your content

8. Check page titles and descriptions to ensure it is tailored towards the content

9. Try to syndicate your content on social booking websites and social media channels.

One year on it seems that Google has settled down and SEO techniques have changed for the better. There are still many ‘Black Hat’ techniques still being practiced but these are now the target of the latest update: Google Penguin.

Enter the Penguin

First and foremost, Penguin does not aim to change the way search results are served but an update to see if websites are trying to manipulate search results through certain SEO techniques. An example of this might be having over 50%+ of your internal links focused on one keyword across your website.

It also looks at your Internet wide link anchor text to see if you have a natural spread of terms and are not solely focused of a handful of keywords.

Penguin also further penalizes the creation of poor content adding additional filters checking for short and manipulated content.

Preparing for Penguin

1. Check for thin content on your site and remove or build on it to make it more useful and relevant.

2. Check backlinks to ensure you have a spread of descriptive terms and variation in links

3. Five great pages of content are better than 50 pages of poor content.

4. Remove content that is not unique

5. Build authority in your pages but do not over optimize them

In conclusion, the Panda and Penguin updates have forced content creators to create quality and not quantity and taken important steps to stop people from trying to manipulate the search results.

What is SEO ?

What is SEO ?

SEO is a process of keep changing the position of a web page or website in a search engine results by using keywords or phrases.

what is seo, seo tutrials

