Google Adwords Interview Questions - Accenture

Explain what is Adwords?

Adwords is the system that Google has designed to assist in marketing product or services in Google search engine and its affiliated sites.  It will place a text ad that appears when people search for phrases associated to your offering.

Explain why to use Google Adwords?

Google Adwords behave differently to traffic that comes from Google Adwords or “Pay Per Click”. The traffic that comes through surfing often visits the website for information, whereas the traffic via pay per click knows what they are clicking on and what they want to buy.  So few visitors through Adwords might be more valuable than million visitors.

Explain what is an ad group in Google Adwords?

Ad group is a container of your keywords, advertisements, and landing pages.  Google rewards advertisers who prepare Adword campaigns with tightly structured ad groups. Its not advisable to include all your keywords into the single ad group, but to organize keywords into themes.

Explain how Adwords work?

Adwords work on bidding system if the bidding price is higher your ad will appear on top of the Google page.  Adwords works on “pay per click” that means you only pay the amount you have bid if someone taps on your ad as a result of a web search.

Explain what are the other two options for bidding other than C-P-C?

Other than CPC the other two options are CPM (Cost per Thousand Impression) and CPA ( Cost Per Action )

Explain what is Google Quality Score?

Google’s quality score determines how beneficial and relevant your ad is to the user, based primarily on your ad’s CTR, quality of your landing page and keyword relevance.  Higher quality score keywords will save your money and earn better ad ranking.

Mention what all things can be done using Google Ad API?

With Google Ad API, you can build an application that can do following things
  • You can automatically generate keywords, ad text, custom reports and landing pages
  • Develop additional applications and tools to help you manage accounts
  • Synchronize Adwords data with your inventory system to manage campaigns based on stock
Mention what are the type of Keywords?

There are no specific types for Keywords however they are classified on the basis of how likely is going to be clicked by visitors

  • Research Keywords: It tends to contain one or two words – Tea
  • Consideration: It tends to contain two or three words – Green Tea
  • Purchase: It must have more than three words – buy loose green tea
  • Loyalty: This must be shorter- Starbucks

Explain how does a Google auction work?

Each month auction gets run billion of times, and the result are such that users find ads that are relevant to what they are looking for.  The search engine processes the request and runs the auction that determines the ad positions and each advertisers CPC.

Explain what is the meaning of CTR and how you can calculate?

CTR stands for Click through rate that tells the number of visitors visited on your ad on the web page. The formula for calculating CTR is

Number of click / Number of impressions X 100

These will give you an answer in percentage like what percentage of customers have viewed your ad.

Explain how you can track conversions in Google Adwords?

In Google Adwords, conversion tracking can be done in following ways

  • Tracking purchases by involving basic tracking code provided by Adwords and modifying it with additional code unique to your particular e-commerce platform
  • View-through conversion window options tracks when a person sees your ad but does not click it (impression)
  • By enabling your ad rotation setting to optimize for clicks, meaning that Adwords will serve the ads it feels are likely to be clicked
  • By accessing search funnels inside tools and analysis, you can also know when customers clicked on your ad for the first time and how frequently they saw your ad before converting.

Mention what is the limit set for the number or characters for Adwords ad?

Limit for Adword is

  • Description line 1st : 25 characters
  • Description line 2nd: 35 characters
  • Destination URL: 1024 characters

No images are allowed in URL.

Explain what is Google Ad API?

Google Ad API is designed for representing large, tech savvy advertisers and third parties. It allows developers build an application that directly interacts with Google Adwords server.

Explain how you can improve conversion rates?

By creating ads that match properly with keywords and create tightly themed ad groups, you can target users to the campaign that helps in conversions.

Explain what gets entered into a Google Account?

Once the advertisers determine the keywords that they want to bid on, Google will enter a keyword from your account which is most related into the auction with the maximum bid specified as well as the associated ad.

Mention in google Adwords that options can’t be changed after creating an account?

After creating account Currency and Time Zone, cannot be changed.

Explain how does Ad rank impact Cost-Per-Click?

Ad rank plays a huge role in defining the actual cost-per-click that your opponents pay, when someone clicks on their ads.  Your CPC can be calculated by following way

Your Price = The ad rank of the person below you/ your quality score + $0.01

Mention some of the Google Adword Ad Extensions?

Different ad extension can enhance the increase in traffic.  Some of the common Ad extensions used in adwords are

  • Sitelinks
  • Call Extensions
  • Location Extensions
  • Social Annotations
  • Seller ratings
  • Mobile app extensions
  • Offer ads
  • Communication Ad
  • Review extension
  • Image and drop down navigation Ad extension

Explain what is Ad rank?

Ad rank determines your ad position on Google page, and it is determined by your bid for that keyword and quality score.

Explain what is conversion optimizer in Adwords?

Conversion Optimizer is a tool used by Google Adwords for bid manipulation and decides which clicks on the ad will be valuable. It can help you to return maximum on your investment.

Interview Question for Accenture

Ø  Explain - end to end cycle for campaign management
Ø  campaign management or account management – what is the difference?
Ø   how do you improve the performance of the campaign?
Ø   how do you check creative is working fine
Ø  campaign is under pacing - what do you do.. how do you improve the pacing?
Ø  in DFA how would you do it - which option would you go for to improve pacing?
Ø  why does a campaign under performs.  what do you think can be a reason for that? give at least 3 examples.
Ø   Do you think the bid value has linked with under pacing. How is it linked to under pacing?
Ø  DFA as a product - how comfortable are you with the tool.
Ø  what do you know about DFA.
Ø   Explain the difference in DFA and DFP
Ø  Do you think DFA is an ad exchange
Ø  If I’m Honda - how will should I measure the performance of my campaign.
Ø  when do you prefer a CPA campaign? which client would use it
Ø   if you’re using the Microsoft platform, and Google platform.. why would discrepancy take place in different platforms. What is the reason
Ø  why would you want to join a support role? support is more technical so why this role?
Ø  what will Accenture or Google get from your experience.  What would you bring to our companies
Ø   Do you know about Rich media creative? which tool do you use to create Rich Media creative.
Ø   How would you create value in this engagement?
Ø  Are you based in HYD?
Ø   what is your notice period?
Ø  Do you have questions for me?
Ø  How comfortable are you with Trafficking? give us the technical steps?
Ø  what is the end output of the trafficking process?
Ø  What does tags mean? what do they do?
Ø  what does setting up the campaign mean?
Ø  What is a click tag?
Ø   Whom do you give this tag too?
Ø  Take me through experience as a trafficker.
Ø  explain the typical trafficking process.
Ø  what can go wrong in trafficking?
Ø  what kind of tags are available in DFA?
Ø  what is the difference in the JavaScript tag or HTML tag?
Ø  where is JavaScript tag preferred?
Ø   Give examples of where which type of tag is used?
Ø  which tag would you prefer for rich media creative?
Ø  Where would you use the iframe tag?
Ø   what is floodlight? what does it do? (tracks the user activity.. what did the user do)
Ø    when does floodlight tag not fire? what could be the reasons?
Ø  Suppose URL was hard coded, how will floodlight react?

Ø   how do you verify and QA for placement check in DFA?
