Best SEO On Page and Off Page Activities Check List 2015
- Keyword Research: Research on what keywords can be targeted for the site.
- Keyword Finalisation: To come up with the final list of keywords which we will target on the website.
- Competitor Analysis: Competitor analysis on what keywords the competitors are using.
- URL Analysis: Check if the URLS are search engine friendly.
- Site Structure Check: Check if the site is structured is correct and the flow of information is in the correct direction.
- Checking Keyword Density: Check the overall density of the keywords on the site.
- XML Sitemap Creation: Creation of XML site map
- Google Webmaster Tools Accounts Setup and Registration: Creating a Google Webmaster Account and submission of XML Sitemap so that the complete site can be indexed with Google.
- Fetch as Google: Individually Submitting pages which are not indexed with Google.
- Google Local / Maps Registration: Creating a Google Local / Map account to submit the site.
- Google+ Account Creation: Create Google Plus account. Google Analytic Setup: Review of Google Analytic account.
- Mobile Website: Landing Page for mobile websites. Enquiry Form Check: Check if the Enquiry form is working fine.
- Mobile Site Compatibility: Check if the site works with Smart Phones and Tables
- Broken Link Check: Check for any broken links on the site.
- 404 Error: Check if page not found on the site is returning a 404 error.
- Spelling Check: Spelling Check on the complete website
- Grammar Check: Check for any grammatical mistakes Site Speed Check: Check if the site is taking too much time to download.
- Orphaned Pages: To make sure every page on your website is linked to from another page. A spider won’t be able to find orphaned pages.
- Content Crawling and Indexing: Check if the content on the site is being crawled and indexed properly.
- Synonyms: Use of Synonyms on the site to get better results in ranking.
- Landing Pages: Finalising which keywords will be targeted on the current website and if new content pages are required to target more keywords.
- Meta Tag Creation: Creating Meta Tags for the site which includes:
Page Title
H1, H2 and H3 Tags
Alt Tags
Page Heading Optimization
- Meta Tag Implementation: Implementing the Meta Tags on the website.
- On Page Content Optimization: On Page content optimization to integrate the keywords on the site.
- Creation of New Content Pages: If required and their integration on the website.
- Creation of Article Section on the website: Creating a section where all the articles would be posted.
- Gmail Account: We would need 1 Gmail account from the client for account creation and submissions.
- Article Title Research: Research on what topics the articles would be written.
- Article Creation: Creation of articles based on the keywords we want to target.
- web2.0 Resources Setup and Submission: The article would be submitted to the web2.0 Resources for this we would have to setup account on resources like: Wordpress, Blogger, Tumblr, Squidoo, Weebly etc.
- On Site Article Submission: Submission of articles on the website.
- Blog Commenting: Research theme related Blogs for posting comments.
- Registrations On SMO Portals: Creating Profile on SMO Portals like Stumble Upon, Delicious, Digg, Myspace, reddit etc.
- Video Creation and Optimization: We would create, upload, optimize and promote videos on Youtube.
- Weekly monitoring of the sites ranking on search engines.
- Weekly Traffic Check through Google Analytics
- Caching and Crawling Check.
- Enquiry form Check.
- Mobile Site compatibility Check: Check if the site works with Smart Phones and Tables
- Monthly call to discuss the progress of the campaign.
- Monthly Ranking Report would be sent.